Wednesday, September 2, 2009


is relieved that she finally handed in her seni folio :)
is also relieved that her KGT is going on pretty well :)
is happy cuz she finished reading Tan Lines already :)
is gonna start reading If you see me now by Cecelia Ahern :)
is starting to like her hair right now :)
is amazed at what God revealed to her during devotion last night :)
thinks her brother is lame but ridiculously funny :D
still thinks what ivan said the other day was funny - "fart in his face" *inside joke* :D
thinks she has a couple of common interest with kimmie :]
thinks facebook is really amazingg :]
thinks her phone privacy is pretty much invaded and doesnt like it. :[
has to read up her chinese proverbs before her teacher skins her alive x)
has to take her beauty nap soooon x)
has to finish up a couple of school homework and feels lazy x)
cant wait for youth campfire this Saturday =D
cant wait for the next holidays to arrive =D

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