Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The brand new year.

Happy New Year, everyone ! :)

My, time sure has zoomed pass. I deeply apologize for my absence for the last few months. I wish I can have my motivation back, almost seems like I've lost the determination to blog :/ Well nevertheless, I thought I'd drop by here before school starts tomorrow.

I had a pretty good holiday spent with friends & family :) A great family vacation to West Malaysia, a refreshing youth camp, a beautiful Christmas and a wonderful New Year ;) Really am grateful to God for seeing me through 2011 and I pray that 2012 will be even better ! It's going to be a tougher one definitely, with major exams coming along. But well, this is life. It's technically my LAST YEAR of high school, so i better make the best of out it ;)

So with that said, this blog will be on HIATUS in the midst of exams. I will pop by when I can, although its probably a pretty slim chance that'll happen.

Nevertheless my dear readers, have a splendid 2012 !
May it be filled with love, joy & peace :)

See you soon ! x