Sunday, September 27, 2009

Hello world :)

Well well well, its been long since i actually WROTE here. Mostly what i did was upload photos x) Oh well, i'm back again writing :) Somehow my blog's turning into a photo blog which gives me another reason not to abandon it =)

And gah. My reading mission failed. I made a deal with Kimmie that i'll finish reading If You Could See Me Now by Saturday, but i havent. Im ALMOST done, a couple of chapters more to go :/ Haha so kimmie dear, you win this time. :P and ENJOY tanlines and your darling Adam in it =P


School starts tomorrow. WHY WHY WHY ! -.- I'm still sooo lazy and i doubt i can wake up early tomorrow after many many days of sleeping late x) But by looking at the brightside, i can see my gals ! wheeee and all those amazing school mates =)

Btw, it was CHILDREN'S DAY at church today. I helped out in CW this morning and worship was amazing ! And most of us were dressed in blue (it was the theme colour). I helped out in 1A and the kids were all enjoying themselves although the packing up was a little troublesome. You know how kids are when they eat x)

p/s : Im finishing my research on.. landfills and incinerators.
p/p/s : I have an irritating ulser on my lower lip and it HURTS. =(

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