Sunday, September 27, 2009

Hello world :)

Well well well, its been long since i actually WROTE here. Mostly what i did was upload photos x) Oh well, i'm back again writing :) Somehow my blog's turning into a photo blog which gives me another reason not to abandon it =)

And gah. My reading mission failed. I made a deal with Kimmie that i'll finish reading If You Could See Me Now by Saturday, but i havent. Im ALMOST done, a couple of chapters more to go :/ Haha so kimmie dear, you win this time. :P and ENJOY tanlines and your darling Adam in it =P


School starts tomorrow. WHY WHY WHY ! -.- I'm still sooo lazy and i doubt i can wake up early tomorrow after many many days of sleeping late x) But by looking at the brightside, i can see my gals ! wheeee and all those amazing school mates =)

Btw, it was CHILDREN'S DAY at church today. I helped out in CW this morning and worship was amazing ! And most of us were dressed in blue (it was the theme colour). I helped out in 1A and the kids were all enjoying themselves although the packing up was a little troublesome. You know how kids are when they eat x)

p/s : Im finishing my research on.. landfills and incinerators.
p/p/s : I have an irritating ulser on my lower lip and it HURTS. =(

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Yeaps, I went out with my old school mates on Tuesday :)
We held the gathering at MidValley. And about 20 something of them came :) Almost half of the class lah.

We hanged out at the arcade, had lunch, and then watched a movie. But im sure if we planned it better, we wouldnt have wasted so much time. But it was good enough, at least we managed to catch up with one and another. Although i can honestly tell you, i could hardly recognise some of them :)

On the way to Midvalley after fetching Jwin n Jhui, i received a text message from Zhiying ;

And i replied ;

And she replied ;

Anyway, we were about to go in the cinema and saw this ;

Me and Zhiying went nuts i tell you !
Jumping around like mad people x)

But aw cmon, you cant deny their awesome-ly gorgeous
(right, kimmie?)

But thats not the point.
The point is, we watched a rather cute movie for the other movies are 18+
We watched this ;

YEAH MAN, you gotta love them ;)
They're soooo adorable :)

Photos of the people who went ;

ying , me , funyee , jhui, rach :)

With my fellow green shirt, Zhiying :)

Hyper-ing with KarJun x)

Hanging out with the quiet ones : YuQuan and LiangYuh :)

Tian mei, eelynn and i =)

My old school lovables. Me, lyee and jhui *hearts*

Kisses to ying :) Chris the lampost :P

The pretty ladies - xinyi, melissa and pxin. ;)

The guys - jsern, yungwai, yuquan, kuan jun, liangyuh n karjun :)

fun yee, rach, emily, ee lynn. ru ee and samantha :)

ying, jhui, lyee, me, chris and jwin :)

MISS YOU ALL SO MUCH - i hope those who werent with us could join us for our next gathering. We wouldnt wanna miss anyone out ! and i uploaded some photos that are not here in my facebook. Go check it out :D

p/s : cant go out anymore till the next hols. sorry, Sien :/

Monday, September 21, 2009

Recap of events

Saturday 19/9

Went out with my friends :)
I had a piano class term break so i was free that morning. We watched the Jack Neo film - Where got ghost. It's pretty hillarious if you ask me. And as expected, there was a little 'lame-ness' to it :) A couple of shots :

See kee and i :)

Sien and i ;)

Reg and i =)

Ling n i =]

Ma girls + Alisha (Ling's cousin)
Crystal couldnt join us cuz she was in Singapore =(

Those dudehs that went :)

And after that I straight away rushed to youth. Got my Bblondes book back! Thankies kimmie. So now Reg, i can lend you the bookie :) After youth i went home and was greeted by ...

YEAH BABEH ! Krispy Kreme =)
My cousin finally arrived from Penang and bought us Krispy Kreme from the Midvalley outlet ! Thankies ! :)


Sunday 20/9
Had dinner with my cousin at the Look Out Point, Ampang :) We ate at Gasoline :)

In the car with cousin Jolene ;)

Marmite chicken yumyums :D

Mocha strawberry - must try ! :D

Brother ordered this - Hawaian fish n chips :)
Recommended if you like asam-taste sauce or else u might not like it!

Mine - Cheese baked chicken chop :)
Veryyy nice ;) taste like a lil bit like pizza :P

We enjoyed the view while having dinner. The view at twilight :)

It got darker. :)

Night niew - beauteeeeful :)

Even more beauteeful :P

Cousin Jolene and her Hawaian Cod Fish :)


and my retarded-ness :P

Then after dinner, we dropped by Bossini and bought some clothes. My brother got himself a black hoodie, mum bought a red blouse, cousin Jol bought a cropped pants and i bought this :

Love it - a grey top :)

And a cup of coffee to end the day :)

Thursday, September 17, 2009

i believe HIM :D

Believing in Jesus is the ticket to heaven.

So yeahh, today's prayer group was great :) Although attendance was a small number, but it was really short and sweet. I got a chance to tell a close friend more about Christianity after prayer group :) -you know who you are- :) And she seems receptive, a good sign.

And i am truly amazed at how God used me to reach out to people. And i feel so contented after that. The joy was.. undescribable. Garry quoted saying we're never to young to serve and its so true. God uses us regardless of our age.

SO, any of you out there ready to serve? :)
It's never too late :)

p/s : TMR SCHOOL'S OFF ! booyeah =)

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Mum's company anni buka puasa dinner (:

Had the dinner at Hotel Maluri (:

Buffet (:

Nic and I enjoying the foooood :D


Friday, September 11, 2009


AH i just rmbered today's the 11 of Sept.
The day where the World Trade Centre collapsed and many lives were killed. I just watched the History Channel and they showed how the World Trade Centre slowly collapsed, with all the smoke n stuff. Saddening.

well yeah be thankful u're still alive,
and live everyday as it is :)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Calvary Campfire : Call of Duty

It was on Saturday. Was amazing. I loved the theme 'Call of Duty', it sounds so catchy :) And the games they had in store for us was really fun =) Altho we had to run a lot. My team's name was Hair Force 1. Our group leader is none other than, JON YEE :) Different groups were given really funny names like Nuclear Misai, Kapal Sink, Suicide Barber, Tangerine Marine and so much more :)

Dinner was really full but yummy-licious. And the skit the RoyalRangers presented was superr funny x) Especially the "thats very hot" part ! Haha. And GUESS WHO i met in campfire - MELANIEEE LIM ;) an old friend back in Kuen Cheng 2. Although we weren't exactly close back then, but it was great seeing her again. Han Suyin invited her to come :)

I didnt take pictures when it was still bright. Until I remembered, it was late evening already. Kinda regretted =( So i manage to grab a couple of pics from Donald's facebook.

The pathway leading to the campsite lighted with candles :)

(from Don's FB) Me experimenting the magnifying-glass thingy.

Donald and muaa ;) Camwhore with shades ;)

And I'm seriously caught up with the taiwan drama series - They Kiss Again. It's sooo addictive. I didnt exactly watch It started with a Kiss but i more or less get the story. Now im watching the part where Zhi Shu and Xiang Qin had a cold war and are back together again. Though I sorta feel bad for Qi Tai cuz i think he really likes Xiang Qin. Oh well, serve him right for wanting to get Xiang Qin although he already knew Zhi Shu and Xiang Qin were already married :P

Okayy too much drama x)
Anyway, the show airs at AEC Astro channel 301 at 3.30pm :)
But still, im planning to get the DVD :)

And brothers & sisters in Christ, just a quote i found that i think is really true :
"God blesses you when you are mocked and persecuted and lied about because you are my followers."
(Matthew 5 : 11)
So i think whenever bad remarks come my way, and if its standing up for Jesus, i'll never back down. Jesus was the best example when he patiently suffered on the cross for us. And if anyone teases you because you love Him, stand up for Him for he will always look after you :)

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


is relieved that she finally handed in her seni folio :)
is also relieved that her KGT is going on pretty well :)
is happy cuz she finished reading Tan Lines already :)
is gonna start reading If you see me now by Cecelia Ahern :)
is starting to like her hair right now :)
is amazed at what God revealed to her during devotion last night :)
thinks her brother is lame but ridiculously funny :D
still thinks what ivan said the other day was funny - "fart in his face" *inside joke* :D
thinks she has a couple of common interest with kimmie :]
thinks facebook is really amazingg :]
thinks her phone privacy is pretty much invaded and doesnt like it. :[
has to read up her chinese proverbs before her teacher skins her alive x)
has to take her beauty nap soooon x)
has to finish up a couple of school homework and feels lazy x)
cant wait for youth campfire this Saturday =D
cant wait for the next holidays to arrive =D