Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Yeaps, I went out with my old school mates on Tuesday :)
We held the gathering at MidValley. And about 20 something of them came :) Almost half of the class lah.

We hanged out at the arcade, had lunch, and then watched a movie. But im sure if we planned it better, we wouldnt have wasted so much time. But it was good enough, at least we managed to catch up with one and another. Although i can honestly tell you, i could hardly recognise some of them :)

On the way to Midvalley after fetching Jwin n Jhui, i received a text message from Zhiying ;

And i replied ;

And she replied ;

Anyway, we were about to go in the cinema and saw this ;

Me and Zhiying went nuts i tell you !
Jumping around like mad people x)

But aw cmon, you cant deny their awesome-ly gorgeous
(right, kimmie?)

But thats not the point.
The point is, we watched a rather cute movie for the other movies are 18+
We watched this ;

YEAH MAN, you gotta love them ;)
They're soooo adorable :)

Photos of the people who went ;

ying , me , funyee , jhui, rach :)

With my fellow green shirt, Zhiying :)

Hyper-ing with KarJun x)

Hanging out with the quiet ones : YuQuan and LiangYuh :)

Tian mei, eelynn and i =)

My old school lovables. Me, lyee and jhui *hearts*

Kisses to ying :) Chris the lampost :P

The pretty ladies - xinyi, melissa and pxin. ;)

The guys - jsern, yungwai, yuquan, kuan jun, liangyuh n karjun :)

fun yee, rach, emily, ee lynn. ru ee and samantha :)

ying, jhui, lyee, me, chris and jwin :)

MISS YOU ALL SO MUCH - i hope those who werent with us could join us for our next gathering. We wouldnt wanna miss anyone out ! and i uploaded some photos that are not here in my facebook. Go check it out :D

p/s : cant go out anymore till the next hols. sorry, Sien :/

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