Monday, September 21, 2009

Recap of events

Saturday 19/9

Went out with my friends :)
I had a piano class term break so i was free that morning. We watched the Jack Neo film - Where got ghost. It's pretty hillarious if you ask me. And as expected, there was a little 'lame-ness' to it :) A couple of shots :

See kee and i :)

Sien and i ;)

Reg and i =)

Ling n i =]

Ma girls + Alisha (Ling's cousin)
Crystal couldnt join us cuz she was in Singapore =(

Those dudehs that went :)

And after that I straight away rushed to youth. Got my Bblondes book back! Thankies kimmie. So now Reg, i can lend you the bookie :) After youth i went home and was greeted by ...

YEAH BABEH ! Krispy Kreme =)
My cousin finally arrived from Penang and bought us Krispy Kreme from the Midvalley outlet ! Thankies ! :)


Sunday 20/9
Had dinner with my cousin at the Look Out Point, Ampang :) We ate at Gasoline :)

In the car with cousin Jolene ;)

Marmite chicken yumyums :D

Mocha strawberry - must try ! :D

Brother ordered this - Hawaian fish n chips :)
Recommended if you like asam-taste sauce or else u might not like it!

Mine - Cheese baked chicken chop :)
Veryyy nice ;) taste like a lil bit like pizza :P

We enjoyed the view while having dinner. The view at twilight :)

It got darker. :)

Night niew - beauteeeeful :)

Even more beauteeful :P

Cousin Jolene and her Hawaian Cod Fish :)


and my retarded-ness :P

Then after dinner, we dropped by Bossini and bought some clothes. My brother got himself a black hoodie, mum bought a red blouse, cousin Jol bought a cropped pants and i bought this :

Love it - a grey top :)

And a cup of coffee to end the day :)

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