Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Calvary Campfire : Call of Duty

It was on Saturday. Was amazing. I loved the theme 'Call of Duty', it sounds so catchy :) And the games they had in store for us was really fun =) Altho we had to run a lot. My team's name was Hair Force 1. Our group leader is none other than, JON YEE :) Different groups were given really funny names like Nuclear Misai, Kapal Sink, Suicide Barber, Tangerine Marine and so much more :)

Dinner was really full but yummy-licious. And the skit the RoyalRangers presented was superr funny x) Especially the "thats very hot" part ! Haha. And GUESS WHO i met in campfire - MELANIEEE LIM ;) an old friend back in Kuen Cheng 2. Although we weren't exactly close back then, but it was great seeing her again. Han Suyin invited her to come :)

I didnt take pictures when it was still bright. Until I remembered, it was late evening already. Kinda regretted =( So i manage to grab a couple of pics from Donald's facebook.

The pathway leading to the campsite lighted with candles :)

(from Don's FB) Me experimenting the magnifying-glass thingy.

Donald and muaa ;) Camwhore with shades ;)

And I'm seriously caught up with the taiwan drama series - They Kiss Again. It's sooo addictive. I didnt exactly watch It started with a Kiss but i more or less get the story. Now im watching the part where Zhi Shu and Xiang Qin had a cold war and are back together again. Though I sorta feel bad for Qi Tai cuz i think he really likes Xiang Qin. Oh well, serve him right for wanting to get Xiang Qin although he already knew Zhi Shu and Xiang Qin were already married :P

Okayy too much drama x)
Anyway, the show airs at AEC Astro channel 301 at 3.30pm :)
But still, im planning to get the DVD :)

And brothers & sisters in Christ, just a quote i found that i think is really true :
"God blesses you when you are mocked and persecuted and lied about because you are my followers."
(Matthew 5 : 11)
So i think whenever bad remarks come my way, and if its standing up for Jesus, i'll never back down. Jesus was the best example when he patiently suffered on the cross for us. And if anyone teases you because you love Him, stand up for Him for he will always look after you :)

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